Guide: Sharpen up your toolbox talks

AMCA's Toolbox Talks Manual and additional resources help managers, supervisors and lead hands plan and run effective safety training sessions that reinforce and embed safety practices.

This article is part of the 'Sharpen up' campaign run by the Air Conditioning & Mechanical Contractors Association of Australia Limited (AMCA) for National Safe Work Month 2022. Learn more here.

AMCA Australia is committed to helping our members create safe and healthy environments for employees to thrive in.

We have compiled a comprehensive Toolbox Talks Manual to help managers, supervisors and lead hands plan and run effective safety training sessions that reinforce and embed safety practices. Through these sessions and the discussions they generate, you’ll create a safer work environment and develop stronger connections within your team.

The Toolbox Talks Manual provides all the information you need to create a safe working environment for onsite staff, while ensuring your company is compliant with WHS laws and regulations. It gives you a ready-made list of safety topics you can dip in and out of as required, and all the supporting material you need to adequately cover the topic.  

The Toolbox Talks Manual is broken into two sections:

  1. Construction site safety issues
  2. Service and maintenance work   


Tips to prepare and run effective toolbox talks:


  • Schedule a regular time for the toolbox talks. If appropriate, book recurring calendar invites to ensure time is blocked out in everyone's diary for these important ongoing discussions. 
  • Refer to the Toolbox Talks Manual for a list of topics to cover in your toolbox talks (broken down into service and construction categories).
  • You don’t need to follow the sequence we have laid out; you can choose the most appropriate topics for your needs at the time. (But keep a record of the topics you have covered, so you are aware of your safety training gaps.) 
  • Show the supporting Toolbox Talk video on the safe work instruction being covered. We have compiled a series of 30 short (10-15 minute) videos that are targeted at inexperienced workers, but provide the perfect platform for a group discussion on key safety practices within your organisation. The video series is available from the AMCA website.
  • Create an agenda. Allow time at the end for questions or an open discussion on the topic covered, and so others can share their experiences and advice. This is a great opportunity to ensure everyone is heard, and you are all on the same page regarding important safety practices. Also ensure you cover off any questions from the last session.
  • Allocate a few minutes before the discussion to prepare your thoughts. This will ensure the comments you make follow a logical sequence. Refer to your agenda to help guide you. 
  • Keep a record of who attended. 
  • Encourage interaction from your team, such as asking questions at any time or sharing their personal experiences.
  • Answer any questions that arise during the discussion. Make a note of any questions you cannot answer at the time and report back at the next toolbox talk.   

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Toolbox Talks video series

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Sharpen up your toolbox talks

AMCA's Toolbox Talks Manual and additional resources help managers, supervisors and lead hands plan and run effective safety training sessions that reinforce and embed safety practices.

October is National Safe Work Month

AMCA Australia is proud to support National Safe Work Month – where businesses, leaders and workers come together to focus on building a safer work environment for all Australians.

Latest Toolbox Talks videos

See the most recent videos added to the Toolbox Talks series, covering a range of critical safety issues within the HVAC industry.

Toolbox Talks video series

The Toolbox Talks Safe Work Instructions video series is a great way to reinforce safety basics and start important conversations.