NSW reforms: Fire safety systems (design)

12 February 2023

The NSW reform consultation process will take place over several phases and numerous months, starting with fire safety system design.

The review of NSW building laws is the most comprehensive reform process in decades. It represents a wholesale rewrite of the regulatory landscape, involving a root-and-branch review of licensing and regulation requirements across a range of disciplines. 

The reform consultation process will take place over several phases and numerous months. 

As part of that process, AMCA Australia has made several submissions to represent the needs of members. We will keep you informed of future submissions, as well as asking for your input to ensure we address your reform wish list.

As always, please let me know if we can be of any help.


Ben Hawkins 

Fire safety systems (design)

On 8 February 2024, AMCA submitted a wide-ranging and detailed response to the NSW Government covering active systems, passive systems, performance solutions, certification, classes of practitioners, and… builder accountability.

Here’s a sharp summary of what we’ve asked for:

  • Clarity of scope and responsibility for all design practitioners

  • Require a greater level of design detail upfront

  • Establish greater accountability on the builder

  • Reduce the number of regulatory instruments covering the same practitioner roles and responsibilities

  • Reduce the number of registration, certification, and licensing classes covering work performed by the same person

  • Clarify and simplify the certification process using unique terms for each stage of the process

  • Eliminate the use of the generic term certifier when the regulatory instrument refers to a specific type of certifier (i.e., principal certifier, not certifier)

  • Emphasise design integration within the roles and responsibilities of all design practitioners

Download AMCA's submission

I’d love to hear about any burning issues you have with the installation and commission stages of fire safety systems—because we’re looking at them next.


- Ben

Got a question? Contact AMCA on 1300 475 615 or [email protected].