Business continuity

Business continuity

The below resources should help business owners and managers to implement working from home arrangements.

Policies and checklists

Pandemic policy

Many businesses are ill equipped to deal with the challenges which arise from global pandemics such as COVID-19. These unprecedented circumstances require a specific policy that outlines strategies and actions that your business can, and should take, to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases within your workplace.

  Download a free Pandemic Policy here 


Working from home safely and wellbeing checklist

Businesses beginning to implement working from home arrangements still need to make sure employees follow safe working practices.

Download   Download a checklist from Business Victoria here  



Business continuity plan

A business continuity plan can help your business prepare for unexpected disruptions so that you can continue to operate after an incident or crisis. When preparing your business continuity plan, you will:

  • identify and reduce risks where possible
  • prepare your business for risks that you can't control
  • respond and recover if an incident or crisis occurs.

You may not be able to predict every kind of incident that could threaten your business, but you can develop a plan that covers a range of incidents.

Visit for an overview of business continuity planning and download a free Business Continuity Plan template from the Queensland Government here.

Working remotely

Tips for working remotely

Working from home presents new and different challenges which can impact both productivity and mental health.  

  • Download 20 tips for working remotely here.
  • Watch our webinar here.


With both state and federal governments announcing stronger isolation and social distancing measures, all businesses should be planning to have staff working from home for a period of time. While such measures are necessary to mitigate public health risks, having your workforce working remotely can raise the risk of a cybersecurity threat to critical business infrastructure.

  • Watch our webinar here.

Free Videoconferencing

Lifesize is providing all organisations impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide with an unlimited number of free licenses for their cloud-based video collaboration platform. This will be available for six months, enabling businesses around the world to implement flexible, remote work policies during the global health crisis. The offer is available to both new and existing customers to quickly and easily turn to enterprise-grade video meetings and collaboration capabilities at scale.

  • Sign-up for 6 months free videoconferencing here.

Mental Health

The uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, as well as the expected public health and economic impacts, can increase the risk of anxiety, distress and other mental health concerns. It is important that employers and employees have access to information and resources that can help individual during this time.

  • Visit the Beyond Blue Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak website here.


Information about the virus and the public health response will continue to evolve and change rapidly.  All members of the community are encouraged to stay abreast of developments and to seek information from credible sources.

At the AMCA, our number one goal during this time is to provide members with timely and actionable information from reliable sources. We will continue to update the contents of this webpage to reflect the latest developments.

You can stay up to date with COVID-19 in our updates page here.